Academic Writing for Scientists   アカデミック・ライティング

Kendai link

GCOE link

Purpose of course
This course aims to improve students’ proficiency in practical scientific writing. It covers the organization, grammar, and vocabulary of scientific journal articles and posters, e-mail, CVs and cover letters.

AW 1



Course outline
Each class consists of a short lecture outlining the key points related to a particular area, followed by a workshop-style application of these points to students’ writing. Evaluation is based on a minimum of four short papers, but students may submit up to seven papers if they wish.

1. Introduction
2. E-mail
3. Effective drafting and editing
4. Abstract
5. Introduction 1: Grammar and phrasing
6. Introduction 2: Collocation
7. Introduction 3: Articles
8. Methods
9. Results 1: Grammar and phrasing
10. Results 2: Reference and rephrasing
11. Discussion 1: Grammar and phrasing
12. Discussion 2: Parallelism
13. Title
14. CV and cover letter
15. Final evaluation


1. イントロダクション
2. Eメールの書き方
3. 論文の作成と編集の仕方
4. アブストラクトの書き方
5. 序論1:文法と表現法
6. 序論2:コロケーション
7. 序論3:冠詞
8. 方法の書き方
9. 結果1:文法と表現法
10. 結果2:引用の仕方
11. 議論1:文法と表現法
12. 議論2:校正
13. タイトルの書き方
14. 履歴書の書き方
15. まとめ


Course requirements
There are no prerequisites for the course. Both Doctoral and Master’s Degree students are welcome to participate.



Materials prepared by the instructor.


Site maintained by Tomoyasu Aoyama